Discover the posts from the theme : The mysterious beauty of the back:

The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 1:
Back view is an interesting perspective for paintings.
It can be sensual and it can be mysterious.
This week let us explore the mystery of the back.

The 1... see more
The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 2: A silent back view can tell many things.
Yesterday we were in Norway standing behind Munch's young girl at the beach.
Today we are in Copenhagen follwing t... see more
The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 3: Many things are told from one's face and its expressions and this is why people find it hard to communicate when wearing a facial mask (like most of us do th... see more
The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 4: I am always fascinated by the very long summer days in Norther Europe.
I know it is completely natural but it feels so unnatural due to my own habits.
And... see more
The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 5: Weather and geography define our habits and tastes.
This is reflected in art too.
Both interested in Impressionism and both focusing on light, the Spanish... see more
The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 6: A bright full moon night, an empty train station and the back of a woman in red dress - This is the mystery created by the Belgian artist Paul Delvaux (1897... see more
The mysterious beauty of the back - Day 7: The French post-Impressionist artist Georges-Pierre Seurat (1859 - 1859) is a mystery himself.
He was an artist with extremely delicate sensibility; he was... see more
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